With Smart Pay, you will never miss a payment again. Keep track of all your bills easily and pay them in just a few steps. Activate Smart Pay today through Ooredoo App and make payments seamlessly and securely.

Fully secure
Online registration
One-time activation
Monthly auto deduction
Instant Nojoom points
Avoid interruptions
Open Ooredoo App
Tap on “Enable Now” in the Smart Pay section
Add a credit
Proceed to
authenticate card
Select the number to add under Smart Pay
You will receive a confirmation via SMS and email
Tap on “Manage” in the Smart Pay section
View your saved card (s)
Add or edit card details
Your details are now successfully updated

Smart Pay is a helpful service that pays your bills automatically from your credit card every month on a specific date. It saves you from having to pay manually and helps you avoid late fees and penalties.

Smart Pay is available for business (EPR) and personal postpaid users.

No, there is no extra fee for using Smart Pay.

Smart Pay will automatically pay the amount you owe on your bill each month. If you don't owe anything, it won't charge your credit card.

Yes, you will receive notifications through text messages and emails. You will be notified before your credit card is charged, after your bill is paid, and if there is a problem with the credit card charge.

If there is a problem charging your credit card, you will be notified. You can then use the Ooredoo app or website to pay your bill manually.

No, the payment date is based on your mobile number's billing cycle. Smart Pay will pay your bill accordingly.

Yes, you can easily select or deselect the mobile numbers you want to enroll in Smart Pay using the Ooredoo app.

No, if you have a new credit card, you need to update your credit card information through the Ooredoo app so that Smart Pay can use the new card to pay your bills.

Yes, you can opt out of Smart Pay anytime using the Ooredoo app. Once you opt out, your enrolled numbers won't be automatically paid anymore.

This feature will be available on the Ooredoo app soon.

We're here to help you! You can contact us through our social channels at or by calling 121.

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