Whether you’re a large multi-national corporation or a small-medium enterprise, your organisation can benefit from our high quality internet service designed to meet your increasing business needs. Based on Ooredoo’s business fibre network, interconnected with multiple global carriers for maximum speed and uptime, and supported 24/7 by our experts at Enterprise Service Centre, Ooredoo Business Internet guarantees great performance.
Dedicated to providing you with the best support, our service also comes with built-in Business Class Service Level Agreement (SLA) for committed availability and response time in the rare case of an incident
Moreover, in the face of increasing cyber-attacks, your organisation can also gain new levels of cybersecurity protection. Ooredoo Business Internet offers primary protection against cyber-threats with Firewall and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation solution.
A complete business-grade internet solution which can easily scale up to meet your business needs.
The fastest and most reliable business internet service. Up to 1 Gbps download speeds can give your organisation a competitive advantage
Latest cybersecurity solutions with new levels of proactive protection.
24/7 proactive monitoring, management, and control, along with in-depth network reports.